Public Affairs
State Capitol Rally to Save Higher Education
If your event is not on social media, it never happened.
In today’s interconnected, always updated world, you simply must have a strong, constantly updated social media presence.
According to a 2015 Pew Research and Knight Foundation Study, 63% of Facebook and Twitter users get their news on the social networks. And, the numbers are growing, up 52% for Twitter users and 47% for Facebook users.
Briefing with Congressman Peter Roskam
Whether it is a rally to pressure lawmakers or a briefing with a member of Congress, effective visual communication is essential to conveying your message.
Organizations no longer need to be at the mercy of the mainstream media to get their stories across. Indeed, with media consolidation and constant reductions in newsroom budgets, it’s more important than ever to take advantage of every form of communication possible.
Congressman LaHood Addressing College Class
Social media offers the unique ability to reach a mass audience without having your message “filtered” by media gatekeepers.
But, simply telling your side of the story isn’t sufficient if no one pays any attention. Understanding the new media and how to convey your story in a way that is compelling and entertaining is essential to an effective media strategy.
State Legislator at student rally
Whether it is covering an event, or providing the perfect picture to illustrate an issue, having strong, attention-grabbing images will strengthen your story and help people remember your perspective.